Spread the Word GIVEAWAY!

We’ve decided to do our popular “Spread the Word GIVEAWAY” again, but this time we’ve upped the ante. We’re going to give away TWO $20 gift certificates to be used at the Homespun Chic Holiday Marketplace! Of course, you’ll need to spend it on December 4, but with so many incredible vendors, that won’t be hard to do! How do you enter to win? It’s simple…

All you have to do is SPREAD the WORD!
Lots of ways to do it: Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Email, Passing Out Fliers, Skywriting, Smoke Signals… πŸ™‚

Come back and comment each time you:

  • Write a blog post about the Marketplace. Include important info: times, dates, place. Include a link to either our Facebook Fan Page or our Website.
  • Write about the Marketplace in your Facebook status.
  • Tweet about the Marketplace and include our handle @homespun so we can see it. (Sample Tweet [feel free to copy and paste!]: Shop the best handmade in Central FL at @homespunchic marketplace on Sun, Dec 4; Redeemer Church in Winter Garden. http://tinyurl.com/3sa8ekx)
  • Send an email to friends, family, coworkers, mom’s group, etc telling them about the Marketplace. Make sure you include a link to our website in the email so they are able to get more details.

You can do each of these things one time and comment to let us know that you did for more entries:

  • RSVP to our event on Facebook.
  • Invite at least 10 of your Facebook friends, using the FB Event.
  • Get the December 4 Marketplace mentioned/featured in a local printed publication, church bulletin, neighborhood newsletter, etc. Snap a quick picture of it and leave a comment here letting us know!

Have other ideas of how you can spread the word? Let us know and we’ll consider adding it to our opportunities.

So…got it? Spread the word, come back to this post, leave a comment letting us know what you did and you’re automatically entered to win one of two $20 gift certificates to the December Homespun Chic Holiday Marketplace! The more times/ways you spread the word, the more entries you get. Make sure you enter each thing you do in a separate comment to get the most entries. Just be mindful of your followers/friends/fans. πŸ™‚


If you can’t make it to the Marketplace, you can still help us spread the word. If you win, you can gift your prize to someone else.

Ready? Set? GO SPREAD the WORD!

The Not-So-Fine Print:
Using random.org, we’ll select two winners on Saturday, December 3 from all of the comments on this post. You will be notified via email. We’ll also announce the winner on Facebook.

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